Big Brother S13E27
Right away, it’s time for a Big Brother S13E27 PoV Competition 10. It’s OTEV (‘Veto’ in reverse) a Shark. The shark will ask a subject which relates to a single of a season’s Houseguests and a PoV competitors will need to find a cake with a scold person’s name upon a bottom of a filled pie.
At Big Brother S13E27 PoV Competition 10 Jordan is a initial a single out of a competition, followed by Rachel. Now it’s up to Adam and a dual nominated for eviction, Porsche and Kalia. Kalia shows up last in a third turn and is separated from a competition. She additionally senses her arriving doom, already in tears. The last competition in between Adam and Porsche is won by Porsche, though she realizes she got a wrong cake and runs behind to get an additional cake and afterwards Adam beats her to a finish. Adam wins a PoV competition! The subject right away is, who will he commission for eviction? Stay tuned, when a last 3 have been determined!
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Tonight’s uncover is a special eviction episode. Five House Guests remain: Rachel, Jordan, Kalia, Porsche and Adam. We get a summation of Rachel presumption energy as a Head of Household with Porsche and Kalia kissing her feet to equivocate eviction and stay in a House after their nomination. Alas, it’s as well late for Kalia, as Rachel says in Diary Room which “Kalia, I’m starting after you.”
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